Monday, July 16, 2007

Your Kidding Right?

I opened up my comments section and found this:

Anonymous said...


I am looking to become an EMT, I finished classes, and I just have to take the national registry exam. Trouble is, I smoke marijuana and I dont really want to stop unless I need to. Are there drug tests for EMT-Bs?


Are you fucking kidding me? I hardly know where to start responding to something like this, you have left me 90% speechless. Lucky for you that I still have 10% to work with.

As an EMT you are asking the public to trust you. You are asking them to put an unimaginable amount of faith in your ability to help them on the worst (or one of) day of their life.

Many days, you direct the difference between life and death. Your actions or inactions determine the outcome of some pretty nasty situations. You need to have the ability to think clearly, unobstructed by any drug illegal or legal.

I can't tell you how disappointed I am that you even went to school for EMS. Your a fucking idiot. You wasted your money and you wasted the instructors time. You took such a wonderful opportunity and squandered it because you can't lay off the wacky tabacky.

If you would have started your comment with "I Used to smoke dope, but then I went to EMT school" I would have had no problem, but you blatantly say that you don't want to quit. You disgust me, you are the lowest form of snake-shit on the planet.

Oh and to answer your question. Yes, they do drug test.


Anonymous said...

That E-mail just made me think about a couple people who were in my EMT-B class I just finished. Stupid ass pot-heads that dident take it seriously, they stoped coming to class at the end. At least they know CPR now (if they can remember it).


B said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Thankfully, the ones that loved their weed more than the job didn't quite make it through school.

Anonymous said...

I work as a volunteer EMT. I've done so for almost 3 years at this point, and I will openly admit that in my free time, I smoke weed. I don't see that as a major tragedy.

Not once has my patient care been hindered by my marijuana use. How do I know? Because I HAVE NEVER and WILL NEVER smoke when I'm on duty or come down to the station when there's even the slightest doubt in regards to my sobriety. I won't take a call with one glass of wine in me.

It comes down to self control and self discipline. If you know enough to say "I'm not capable of taking calls in my current state" and you stay away from the building that time, I see no reason how you're betraying the public's trust or sentencing someone to death.

How is smoking pot OFF-DUTY any different than going out for drinks with friends when you're OFF-DUTY?!

Anonymous said...

1. Marijuana is illegal. Alcohol is not...

2. See above

3. See above


Anonymous said...

I agree that marijuana is not harmful depending on whether or not that person has self control. A person being a casual marijuana smoker means nothing if that person comes to the station COMPLETELY SOBER. Sure, it is illegal, right now. Alcohol and cigarettes are much worse for you. It comes down to the person. You can be completely responsible with a strong work ethic and be a casual marijuana smoker at the same time. OFF DUTY means OFF DUTY. I am sure the original person asking the question would know not to come on duty under the influence. They do drug test before hiring. You are better off stopping for a bit to pass the test and after that you are free to do what you want. I am a Nationally certified EMT, hold certifications in two different counties, graduated high school with honors, was a sheriff explorer, and go to school full time, I OCCASIONALLY SMOKE MARIJUANA. It relies on the persons self control and drive to get where their going, live life how you want to but be successful at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Marijuana is legal in many states. My doctor has recommended I use cannabis for pain management. I would not use cannabis on duty. So what's the problem?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I smoke weed and I had the highest grade in my class, even higher than a doctor who took the course. So don't think that everyone who smokes weed is stupid.

Anonymous said...

Man... for that first comment up there....u dont have to be so FUCKING rude the guy simply asked u a simple question ....and obviously no one whould be going to a job like that all blown ....but i would quit to pass the test and later on when ur used to everything ..smoke when ur off and dont even think about doing it b4 work

Anonymous said...

First of all, emt-b's get bullshit hospital to nursing home or vise versa calls. Very rarely do they get a call that requires more than a little effort and patience. 2nd of all, for the people who say marijuana is detrimental and can cause you to make bad decisions, this is only case by case. Not everyone is like that. For example, michael phelps smokes weed and is a 22 time medalist at the Olympics. He is officially the greatest Olympian to have ever competed. As long as you are responsible about when and how much you smoke (like not smoking before or while on duty) there is no consequences. Smoking marijuana is the least harmful illegal drug there is. It's been smoked for centuries with 0 deaths related to it. Who freakin cares if you want to relax. Besides it can be very beneficial so ems employees don't get burn out!

Unknown said...

half the comments on here are just ignorant as fuck and so biased it makes me crazy.. Smoking weed doenst make you dumb, it doesnt make you lazy and it isnt for "stupid lowlife potheads." I graduated with a 3.5 GPA, work 2 jobs perfectly, and have a great relationship with my friends and family. so before you go and judge someone off smoking weed, know the damn facts.

Anonymous said...

Well after a stressful day in the field I see no problem coming home to smoke and relax, it beats becoming an alcoholic like half the people in the field. for some one to say your the lowest of snakes and a fucking idiot is some one who is very uneducated in the subject of weed. some of the best medics and emts smoke weed, your personal life and work are two different things, keep them apart and you should be fine. and as for Mr. "Hating on smokers"chill out seems like u could use a joint yourself with all that anger haha..

Anonymous said...

All of those spreading hate: Fuck you. Who the hell are you to judge how someone relaxes after work? Pot is a hell of a lot safer than alcohol. You judgmental fucks make me sick.

Zer0 said...

I have written hundreds of posts and this one gets the most attention. Must have struck a nerve with the general public.

Is marijuana legal? NO.

Pretty much sums it up right there. You are in breech of character as far as the law is concerned. You can complain, piss and moan, and bitch at people who disagree with you but as of right now pot is illegal. You can not use it legally, PERIOD. Unless you have a serious medical condition and it was prescribed by a doctor.

Lets look at that for a second. Pot prescribed by a doctor. Would you want an EMT under the influence of pot to be working on one of your family members?

Just the same as alcohol, prescription drugs or anything else, it impairs you. Plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Lol so what he smokes weed, you know how many alcoholic medics are out there? Your a fucking excuse weed isn't that bad. Do you ream out your coworkers that drink? BTW reefer madness is not real

Anonymous said...

Ha! It's legal in three states. So you Mr.snakeshit, take comfort in knowing that our nation is comming to their senses. Alcohol is much more detrimental to your wellbeing, & i too know several Medics who are recreational marijuana smokers.
(: Think before you go about judging the poor guy, our national constitution was written on Hemp paper. Besides, better a pothead than an alcoholic. Move to Oregon, Washington, or Colorado. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

Nice thread and a great topic. I would add that a really cautious person wouldn't even smoke the day before a shift, let alone the day of. That way they can guarantee a clear head and unobstructed thought process the day of their shift. Does anybody think there is any harm in that? Assuming of course that they either live in a legal state or have proper authority to use it medicinally. They will definitely be breaking company policy however... Or will they? Given that it is done off duty...

Anonymous said...

Colorado is an at will state meaning its at the will of your company. They can still say you arent allowed to smoke if they want. You can have a prescription for any number of mind altering drugs and still be an emt or paramedic but they dont allow you to have a prescription for pot?? come on 'merica get your shit together, its medicine! at least for stress, sleep, depression,... or just destroy your liver like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

ya to the first comment totally bashing the guy that asked a simple question, whats your fuckin problem you sound like a close minded douche. You dont need to put others down or call people fucking idiots you dont know. He is doing something good by becoming an EMT and asked a simple question about weed not to get bashed on and called names, your a prick and i hope you have nothing but misfortune in your life, because negativity like that will get you nowhere ya fuckin dick!

Thomas Matthew Delonge said...

The writer of the response is a fucking idiot. First of all, EMS isn't shit. EMTs, especially, are the lowest of the lows. Fucking scums who don't do shit. I know this, because I am an EMT in LA County. Shit is fucked here. Only reason I even did any of this shit is to better my application for med school. I smoke pot all of the time, have a 3.8 GPA and got a 30 on my MCAT. I'm applying for med school at the end of this year. So fuck you, fuck your bullshit EMS job, and fuck your probable nicotine addiction.

EMS bitch and moan about seeing shit. I'll be cutting into cadavers in med school. Grow some fucking balls with that PTSD bullshit. On the other hand, I respect EMTs who are logical and don't think they're the shit. I have a bunch of buddies who are great EMTs, but even they know that there job is only levels above an over glorified taxi driver.

Don't act like something you're not, and suck my dick when I'm making what you make in 2 years in 10 days.

joseph1212 said...


Anonymous said...

All caps = idiot.
"Faggoty" isn't even a word you moron.

Go back to your bowl and let the big boys talk pot-head.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I may be a "fucking idiot" who smokes pot and is in EMS (flight paramedic, BTW), but I do know the difference between "your" and "you're". I understand that you are working with "10%", but step back and use the 10% correctly. Research your facts, develop a cogent argument and proceed to debate. Calling anybody names is the worst sort of response you actually could give. If you want to make a point that smoking marijuana is detrimental to a person's ability to perform basic first aid, then do so. I'll wait while you go find a dictionary to look up 'cogent'.

Anonymous said...

How about a prescription for pain killers ( as long as your not on the job ) I am a EMT about to start a job and take oxycodone for nerve related pain issues ...IM worried they won't hire me during the drug screen part if I take such meds even with a valid Rx

Anonymous said...

I got my EMT cert this past semester. I went to class high almost everyday, I did not smoke for 3 hours before any of my clinicals, and I took 3 of my practicals and the national registry high. I passed everything with As and Bs. I had to redo one practical (on a day i was not high) because of a stupid mistake.

I just had to comment after reading all these other comments. What a joke, EMT cert is quite easy. I will have to quit though after this semester of ekg, bio and iv classes... once I start applying for a job I am sure I will be tested.

Anonymous said...

I've been a medic for close to seven years, and know many razor sharp, know-their-shit medics that regularly smoke weed. It sounds as if you are a: simply ignorant and haven't taken the time to educate yourself on the pathophys surrounding cannabis, and how it effects everyone's chemistry in different ways, or b: you have allowed your outlook to be molded by common society, are simply clouded by a baseless negative stigma. I hope you don't enjoy an occasional beer by the way. Your patients are counting on you.
( disclaimer: I haven't taken the time to check to see if you're an EMT or a fellow medic. If just an EMT- B, than Empty My Trash Bitch!!)

Anonymous said...

On the streets you will literally run into every kind of drug conceivable; from high schoolers jacked on PCP, to little old ladies accidentally overdosing on their pain pills. Especially in the city. This one guy says he smokes weed, and with all you must've seen, that's your reaction? What in the blue fuck is your problem? Do you call your patients names too? Do you scream at them for getting rear-ended in traffic? Is that old man who interrupts your dinner with his pesky CVA a "fucking idiot" too? Good thing "your" not a cop. Honestly, who gives medics a worse name? The poor kid who smokes marijuana, whose only crime was being a little too honest; or the internet tough guy shouting at someone about some holy drug jihad he's apparently waging from the inside of an ambulance? Dude, I've worked with guys like you, and I can't stand more than half of a shift with these motherfuckers. Perhaps before opening your mouth, you could step back and think "does any of what I'm about to say make me sound like an asshole? Am I about to call someone a name, or begin spouting diarrhea from my mouth hole?" Seriously dude, reevaluate where you're headed in this field.

Anonymous said...

If you smoke off duty and don't come to work high who gives a flying fuck. Cops and medics have the highest alcoholic rate in the world and pop pills like candy where is the outcry there. but POT omg now lets get our fuckin panties in a knot. come the fuck down you stupid bitches, relax take a toke

Anonymous said...

"your a fucking idiot" says the guy who can't spell. My advice is you should get off your high horse. One of your main jobs as a medic is to not judge people based on your uneducated bias. Do you tell your overdose patients you think they're worthless too? Grow the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

First of all I want to say FUCK YOU to the person that published this unecessary bashing on the person who smokes marijuana and wants to become an EMT. There is NOTHING wrong with smoking. However, smoking should NEVER be done on or before a shift. An EMT needs to be sober during his or her time on the job. Free time however, is FREE time. Do what the fuck you want to do. Marijuana helps many many people, and it's legal for recreational use in many states, as that number is rising. Alcohol kills more people annually world wide than marijuana has ever. Because NO ONE has ever died from smoking marijuana. Our brains produce their own THC EVEN if you've never smoked before. Yeah that's right, you know those things called endorphins? That's the brains natural form of THC. So are you saying that a doctor shouldn't operate on patients because his brain has natural THC within it and he feels the effects of it everytime he is happy? Do your fucking research, before you start bashing on marijuana smokers you uneducated, ignorant bastard.

Fuck You said...

You're so far up your ass, I see your head peeking out of your mouth. Why do dumbass fucking people like you think we'll be high on the clock? Are YOU drunk on the clock just because it's legal? I've met medics like you, and you give the field a bad name. You're more likely to run into a shitty medic who thinks he's god's gift to the world, than a pothead medic who reeks during his shift.

Anonymous said...

The fact is Cannabis is illegal. But also is becoming legal. It was once legal in this country actually (look it up). It has been a poltical tool for nearly a century now. Alcohol was once illegal too. I can take the legality argumebt seriously... As to say it makes you dumb and lazy are also false. Maybe while youre high you are "lazy" but sober youre fine. If you want to know all the information on it I day again look it up. Weed is now legal in 3 states recreationally and almost every state now has some support in it medically. I do not want to say anyone here is "a fuckking idiot" but you regardless of which side you choose; you cannot be so ignorant. As an EMT you should not smoke while on duty or before. If you would like to smoke after your shift OFF-DUTY I say go for it. Or have a drink. Hell do both if you'd like I do not care. But please be responsible as I am sure you and anyone else can be.

Alex said...

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Anonymous said...

To the pompous prick who wrote this article, you and every other servile p.o.s. in EMS is what is what is wrong with our industry, your willingness to subject yourself to invasion of privacy and low pay is why we are not a middle class career with freedom to love our lives according to our own moral compass.
You are very ignorant if you thank using cannabis to relax on freetime to impair your ability as a medical professional.
Absolutely never should a medical professional be intoxicated on the job or while on call, however what one does on freetime is their own business and that freedom is what America is supposed to be about, brave men died for our freedoms only to have them usurped by cowards and conmen.

Furthermore WE are EMS, not the insurance companies or the Ambulance service administration wither private or official, nor the pencil pushing beuracrats that regulate our industry, WE are what keeps people alive until they reach the hospital, and we deserve the liberty to live our lives as we see fit so long as it does not interfere with our duties as medical professionals.

You are doing a great disservice to our industry with your pompous attitude towards cannabis and your servile attitude towards the status quo and your misinformation on your blog.

I think you are a scum bag.
Not a big surprise as I've encountered allot of Scabs in my career in this great field.

The way America treats it's EMS is proof it doesn't deserve EMS, but I still do it because I love it, and people need our help.

Not you alone nor every other scab and oppressor in this industry will NOT keep good Medics who happen to smoke cannabis out of this field, even if we have to lose a job now and then, there is always another job to be had later in this great career field.
And there will come a day when the people of this freedom loving country finally take the power back and no force on earth can stop us.

Anonymous said...

And if you don't like my typos you can audit my statement and fill out a complaint report and file it in the toilet.

I'm medical professional not an English major.

Anonymous said...

You are a scum bag.
We are medical professionals, and just because our scope isn't as high as other medical professionals doesn't mean that we are not key elements in the medical industry. Wither we are responding to a serious MCI MVA with people needing c collars traige, or just taking someoneso grandma from from a nursing home to a hospital for urinary retention we are crucial to public health.

Get off your pompous high horse. Are you going to ride in an ambulance after your residency so we have someone with a higher scope of practice when you can be making six figures?
Are you Doc Smug?

And you must not talk to allot of people in EMS, because several of the people on the service I just left including myself are on the path to becoming doctors.

When I see a physician I recognize their higher level and respect it, and when I am a Surgeon myself I will be ever grateful to the EMS professionalso who have to help my friends and family in times of need and hope I am never hurt had enough to need their help.

We are all in this together.
Smoke a blunt, take a hike, look around, and get a better perspective. Because you are spewing hatred.

Anonymous said...

My last statement was a reply to Thomas Matthew Delonge who disrespects EMS because he is on the path to a higher scope of practice. His ignorant statement can be found several comments down.

And to the guy who writes this blog your blog format sucks. My last statement should have appeared below the comment by Thomas Matthew Delonge

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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

For any EMT/EMS worker that has said this person in an idiot for wanting to be an emt and for smoking weed just makes you sound stupid. Cause i can gurantee that after work you go home or go out to the bar and have a few but thats okay because its legal right you're all fucking idiots pull your heads out of your ass theres no difference as long as your not smoking on duty or coming to work high. You will get drug tested but don't let any tell you not to be an emt or go into the medical field because you smoke.

Anonymous said...

Closed minded fucks, smoke some herb and shut the fuck up.

Anon said...

You need to reasses your shit man, it's 2017. Drop the preconceived notions and get off your high horse. Wouldn't surprise me if you're one of those "EMS brahs" that brag about how trashed they got on their off days.

You can definitely be a solid EMT/ Medic and still enjoy herb. It's all about moderation and appropriate timing. Looking forward to the day they change the policies.

Until then, calm the fuck down and stop acting like we're some godly profession.

Jay Fleming said...

Well it's now 2018 Recreational marijuana is legal in nine states and medical marijuana is legal in 29 states. One serious problem people who drive our nations highways don't think about is recruiting rural volunteer EMT's.

Asking someone to volunteer as an EMT in a rural area means taking hours of training, most times miles away. Then giving time doing what I've found most don't want to do. By not recognizing marijuana legal for medical use in 29 states and for recreational use in 9 more, we reduce the number of people willing to volunteer.

EMT's are asked all the time to decide when off duty if they're impaired to the slightest. It doesn't matter if it's alcohol, marijuana, or OTC cold medicine that makes an EMT impaired, they're impaired....

Volunteer firefighter numbers are declining nation wide. Not changing drug policies to match the times, is shooting our selves in the foot.

Our fire district is 144 square miles, our fire district ambulance (same 2 firefighters) covers 2200 square miles. When on a fire, we have no ambulance, and our firefighters have no ambulance. When on a call with a 170 mile round trip plus on scene, transport, and hospital time, we are without fire or EMS.

So as you drive on US-93 near Hoover Dam keep in mind it could be an hour or more for EMS to arrive.