Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Private EMS

Got our ass beat today. Back to back all day.

I start up blogger to bitch, complain and scream about my job in private EMS. However, when I got here and started writing this it occurs to me that I could be in a factory punching out car parts for more money. I could be screaming "Would you like frys with that?" and proabably be making more money... BUT.. what i couldnt do is: Write a blog, read a book, watch television, play video games, eat a sandwich, take a nap, sit in a lawn chair, web surf, or take a lengthly crap. All the while being paid to do it.

My job aint that bad. Sometimes you get the bull, but sometimes you get the horns.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am writing a paper on public vs private ems/ hospital vs community based care... can you help me find sources?