Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The SuperBowl

I know this page is mainly dedicated to EMS stuff but something has not been sitting real well with me since I read this http://tv.yahoo.com/news/eo/20050207/110782500000.html take a look at it and get back with me.
Ok, now that your back let me ask you this. Why cant people simply turn the channel anymore? Used to be that if you found some offensive that you would get up, put down the cheetos and turn the channel. With the invention of the remote control you could still hold the cheetos and turn the channel.

I really cant believe how people will take time out of their day to log a complaint to the FCC because they were offended over something on television.

Now because of all of this we get lame half-time shows and lamer commercials.

Special thanks to www.fark.com for pointing out the link to me in the first place.