I was in the squad the other day and I think I might have saw the first of many leaves fall on my squad as I was pulling away from a scene where there was a DOA. Kind of strange for that to happen right at that instant and it got me thinking of something I wanted to discuss with you guys.
Has anyone ever "worked" anyone just for the bystanders?
Today's EMS Lesson. Consider this.
You arrive to the scene of a 65 year old male. You origional call was for patient unresponsive not sure if they are breathing.
As you approach the scene you notice several vehicles in the driveway. You enter the home to find a 65 year old male down on the bathroom floor (like this has never happened before). 4 or 5 people are standing around screaming and crying. They yell at you to "DO SOMETHING!" , "Help Him!"
Upon your inital AX you notice dependent lividity and it is apperant to you that this man has been down for awhile. Cardiac monitor reveals "almost" perfect asystole. You could turn the gain up a bit and maybe get what "looks" like fine v-fib.
Suddenly in walks a 16 year old child, presumed to be the pt's grand daughter and she begins to sob uncontrolably.
You are faced with a difficult decision.
In my carrer I have faced this situation a few times. Every time the situation comes up I struggle with it. We have done both. We have worked them and we have called them. It seems that you can never have a preset thing you will do. It seems to me that the decision must be made on a case by case basis. Tell me what you do. Tell me how you deal with the situation.
Fall is comming and with fall comes cooler weather. Be sure to switch your duty gear to a light jacket and be mindful of the rain. Rain will get you sicker and quicker than cold weather alone. Wear a ball cap if your company approves one, and keep heavy rain gear up front with you behind the seat rather than packed away in an outside compartment. Watch the tread on your boots and keep them shined.
The rain always makes a mess out of your professional appearance. Be mindful of your squad, remember the appearance of your squad and your uniform do a lot to put the patient at ease. If you show up dishevled with dirty truck dont be surprised if your patients are less than trusting of you.
Talk to you guys soon.